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Mercury poisoning in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2021-03-23Updated:2021-03-23
Similar words: poisoningself-poisoninglead poisoningfood poisoningfood-poisoningblood poisoningpesticide poisoningcarbon monoxide poisoningMeaning: n. a toxic condition caused by ingesting or inhaling mercury; acute mercury poisoning causes a metallic taste and vomiting and diarrhea and kidney problems that may lead to death. 
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(1) Several cases of mercury poisoning have been recorded in the literature.
(2) Mercury poisoning: Harmful effects of mercury compounds.
(3) Objective The study aimed to treat occupational mercury poisoning of observed participants.
(4) Any toxicologist will tell you that mercury poisoning represents a temporary, treatable state.
(5) Acute mercury poisoning causes severe digestive - tract inflammation. Mercury accumulates in the kidneys, causing uremia and death.
(6) Typical symptoms of mercury poisoning include mental retardation loss of balance, tremors, blindness loss of hearing.
(7) In retrospect, dying of the disease itself would seem infinitely preferable to the agonies of death from mercury poisoning.
(8) Tracy : It's said that a middle - school student got mercury poisoning after drinking a can of Sprite.
(9) There is a growing body of evidence that children properly treated for mercury poisoning fully recover normal functioning and are indiscernible from their neurotypical peers.
(10) In 1965,26 people at Nigata, Japan, were struck by mercury poisoning.
(11) Diagnostic criteria and principle of treatment for chronic methyl? mercury poisoning caused by water pollution.
(12) There was a reason for that and the reason for that was mercury poisoning.
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